
What is the 艺术与媒体学院?
The 艺术与媒体学院 houses the 音乐学院, 艺术系, 传播系, 及戏剧学系. Previously, these departments were organized under the Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts.

Who will work in the 艺术与媒体学院?
The same faculty and staff who worked in the 音乐学院, 艺术系, 传播系, 及戏剧学系 will work in the 艺术与媒体学院. Since the classes and programs offered in the 艺术与媒体学院 were already established in the Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts, the only changes taking place are in the university’s organizational chart.

How does establishing the 艺术与媒体学院 affect current HSU faculty, staff, and students?
Since the classes and programs offered in the 艺术与媒体学院 were already established in the Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts, the only changes taking place are in the university’s organizational chart. Classes will take place in the same rooms. Communication, 音乐, 剧院, 与视觉艺术 faculty will continue to advise the same students. The faculty will continue to work in collaboration with student recruitment, retention, and success.

When will the 艺术与媒体学院 open?
The shift of the 音乐学院, 艺术系, 传播系, 及戏剧学系 moving from the Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts to the new 艺术与媒体学院 will take place by the Fall of 2024.

Who is the dean of the 艺术与媒体学院?
The Dean of the 艺术与媒体学院 will be announced at a later date and will be housed in the Hemphill 音乐 Building.

What is the benefit of moving these programs from the Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts to create the 艺术与媒体学院?
Launching the 艺术与媒体学院 will provide the opportunity for a 文艺复兴 at HSU built upon a legacy of excellence in the communication, 音乐的, 戏剧, and visual arts enlightened by the Christian faith. Placing these four disciplines in a specific college will provide a new vision for prospective students, 校友, 和捐助者. This will also offer the opportunity for strategic planning, academic and production support, and collaboration in recruitment and retention for the areas of Communication, 音乐, 剧院, 与视觉艺术.

Why open the 艺术与媒体学院 now?
Due to the financial stability of the institution and to allow for more growth, the university’s board of trustees voted to move the 音乐学院, 艺术系, 传播系, 及戏剧学系 from the Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts into the 艺术与媒体学院.

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